We so often think that if we are not ordained, we have no call in this society. Or we may not look to our lives and service as a call. I’ve decided the word call is bigger than we can imagine.
Early on, my call was working in service for others as a cosmetologist, which has been extended to service in clients’ homes. A call to be wife, mother and grandmother is profound. I have been called to serve Women of the ELCA at its many expressions.
Maybe you didn’t think the roles in your life were a call. There are calls to faith, calls to family, calls to work life. Perhaps acknowledging your call will give another person enough courage to answer her call. Each of us plays an important role for the good of the whole.
This message is an excerpt from a Women of the ELCA blog by Syd Brinkman. Do you enjoy these free Daily Grace messages? If so, donate now to further the ministry. Use the “where needed most” line.