The creation narrative of Genesis 2 begins with water—a stream rising from the earth and watering the ground, even before the creation of the Garden of Eden. At the end of the Bible, creation comes full circle with a new heaven and a new earth. The sea is no more (Revelation 21:1) and the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flows from the throne of God (22:1).
There are still and stormy waters, fountains of living water and wells of salvation, thirst for living water and streams in the desert, human groanings are poured out like water, but love cannot be quenched by many waters, the wise are like trees planted by streams of water, justice and righteousness roll down like the waters of an everlasting stream.
Adapted from the June 2008 Gather magazine Bible study, “Come to the Waters,” by Karen G. Bockelman. Today we remember Athanasius, bishop of Alexandria, d. 373, and Philip and James, apostles (transferred).