Every household can do a periodic water saving inventory. Once you find out how much water you use, look at your water bill. You’ll easily be able to see how much water you could save, and how much money you could save, with a 10% reduction in your water use. You will also lessen the burden on the septic system, whether your own or your municipality’s! How do we consume water? How does our community consume water? How can we consume less water?
The world faces water scarcity. God gave us the gift of an earth filled with all that we need and then some. God has also given us good sense that can provide a future for our children’s children and their children, too, if we take good care of all that we have been given. Being good stewards of creation and of our communities includes understanding how to manage our resources, and this certainly includes water!
This message is excerpted “Being Good Stewards of Water,” by Inez Torres Davis, a 2010 Women of the ELCA resource. Today is the Second Sunday after Epiphany.
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