I am fascinated with shoes. Gym shoes, sandals, boots, flats, high heels. I tend to go toward the sparkly high heel shoe on display at the department store. It’s beautiful, the perfect shoe! It’s not until I wear it when I realize how uncomfortable or painful it really is.
In life, we walk through our paths, with family, friends, at work, with colleagues, and even those we’ve just met once in passing. We think “wow they have it all together; they are cool, calm and collected,” assuming that things come easy to them. At first glance it may seem that they are problem-free.
Although things may look great on the outside, until you walk in someone else’s shoes, you may never know their struggles and the burdens they carry.
Think about someone in your life, how would it feel to walk in that person’s shoes? How do you best empathize with another?
Today we remember Simon and Jude, apostles. This message is adapted from a Women of the ELCA blog, “These shoes were made for walking…or were they?” by Gabriela Contreras.
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