Thanks to a recent virtual synodical gathering, I’ve been thinking about women using our voices. A timely topic, given the expressions of outrage over systemic racism in our society and the opportunity to express our desires in elections.
Why do I use my voice? It is part of what I am called to do as a Christian. If you look to the commitments we make at our affirmation of baptism, it’s clear. We commit to continue in the covenant God made with us in holy baptism.
I must use my voice to live out my baptismal calling. You must use your voice too. And we don’t have to do it the same way. Some of us are loud and brash when using our voices. Others of us are quiet and persistent. However we do it, we are called to proclaim the good news and to strive for justice and peace.
This message is an excerpt from a Women of the ELCA blog by Linda Post Bushkofsky. The blog summarized a keynote address given by the author for a September 26, 2020, virtual event of the Metro Chicago Synodical Women’s Organization. You can watch the 19-minute keynote address online.
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