Have you ever been invited to something new and hesitated? When I was 30 years old, we bought our first house and joined a new church. Judy invited me to their women’s Bible study. I declined because I had a baby and worked 50 hours a week. She called again every month.
Finally, I agreed and am so glad I did. I felt welcomed and enjoyed the conversation. Since that time, whenever we moved and joined a new church, I joined the women’s Bible study or started one. This pandemic calls us to do what we may never have imagined we would do. Church online. Zoom meetings with family, friends, church council, etc. Staying home more.
What new ways can we support our women and other women in our congregations? The Women of the ELCA are treasures in our church. Women have supported me through years of problems and joys. I want more women in our church to know this fellowship/friendship.
This message is an excerpt from a Women of the ELCA blog by Deb Martin.
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