To make ready means more than physically preparing for guests. The process continues with a willing and transformed heart ready to serve the other. Our mental checklist contains new questions that guide us to the heart of the guest: Who is our guest? How are we connected? What are her needs? Is there more we can do to show hospitality? Have we properly prepared?
Many hosts are disappointed when they fail to ask themselves these questions and find out later that their hospitality was received with less than the desired response. Hospitality is an age-old relationship-builder. A large part of making ready is discerning how hospitality is best offered. Hospitality is a mutual exchange and the work of the Holy Spirit. We must be ready to receive the gifts our guest has to offer as well.
Read Luke 10:38–42 and John 11:17–27.
- Describe a time when you spent more time preparing for a guest than you spent actually being present with that guest.
- What keeps you too busy to sit and talk with Jesus?
- Ponder the question Jesus asked Martha in verse John 11:26: “. . . everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?”
Tomorrow: Being available
This message was adapted from the “Hospitality: More Than Warm and Friendly” resource written by Valora K. Starr and available from the Women of the ELCA website.