For some, taking time for ourselves means waking early, reading poetry and restoring ourselves with silence and words on the page. For others, it’s a brisk morning walk with the dog and a mug of coffee.
In these times of retreat, we remember who we are, what we’re for and to whom we belong.
You are a child of God, and you’re worthy of love and tenderness. You are deserving of the same compassion that you so generously have for your children, best friend and partner. The soothing words you speak to your daughter are the words God has for you. “This is my daughter, whom I love; with her I am well pleased.”
This place of grace and this loving realization ultimately fill us up, fuel our fire and propel us into a life of love and action.
This message is an excerpt from “Love yourself, love the world” by Leslie Klipsch in the March 2017 issue of Gather magazine.
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