Every day, I’m aware of what has been given to me: a necklace on my 30th birthday, a gift to my mother at the same age; nicknames from my childhood that roll easily off the tongue; a strong awareness of the love of God, living and active around me.
We are made up of those who come before us and what they think is important; we are made up of the experiences we have, of everything and everyone with whom we come into contact. Before there were books, before literacy was widespread, so many cultures relied on oral traditions to hand down the stories of their people.
We all have something to add to the conversation if we will only sit still and listen to one another. Perhaps that is the most important thing we pass along.
This message is an excerpt from “Milk: The gifts we give flow through generations” by Cara Strickland in the May 2020 issue of Gather magazine. Today is the 10th Sunday after Pentecost and National Book Lovers Day.
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