I admit it, I’m a news junkie and always have been. But these days, the endless parade of horrifying headlines—hurricane after shooting after derecho after explosion after wildfire—is starting to take a toll on me. It’s exhausting, but I can’t look away—and that’s not good for me. Do you feel that way, too?
During that fearful time when Paul was imprisoned, he gave his beloved friends in Philippi the best advice he possibly could. “Whatever is true . . . whatever is just . . . and worthy of praise, think about these things.” (Philippians 4:8)
He’s not telling us to hide our heads in the sand or go about our business pretending nothing’s wrong—not at all. He’s giving his friends (and us) advice that will lend us strength and courage even in fearful times.
We know that Paul’s faith in Christ’s truth was not misplaced. We know that our faith in God’s love is not misplaced. And that faith, that sure and certain faith, gives us strength and courage, even in fearful times.
This message is an excerpt from a Women of the ELCA monthly devotion by Audrey Novak Riley.
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