I’m an artist and finding resonance and meaning amid chaos is exactly what artists do best. Stilling chaos from within and transforming it into art is a profound act of creation. Every day, all over the world, people find respite in mixing paint, in telling stories, in rising yeast. In doing so, they breathe the spirit of love into the wild chaos of life. Art has the power to bring light into dark places and order to the formless void. I depend on my artmaking to empty my cup and to fill it.
Art can breathe new life into our days. Our creative passions, the care that goes into a meal or a garden, are how God works in us and how we can bring light into darkness.
This message is excerpted from “Chaos & creation” by Mary Button in the January/February 2028 Gather magazine. Today we commemorate Albrecht Durer, 1528; Matthias Grunewald, 1529; Lucas Cranach, 1553; artists.
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