The Brief Order for Confession and Forgiveness is part of worship for many Lutherans. Together we confess our sins and hear God’s forgiveness declared.
Repentance challenges and comforts. No one is without the need for repentance, but we never need fear turning to God who is faithful and just, who will forgive us and renew us. This is not only true for individuals, but for the whole body of Christ.
The church also needs repentance, and the church has nothing to fear in repenting for our sins against our neighbors in all times and places. As our nation and our world continue to grapple with injustice, bigotry and oppression against human beings and careless and greedy consumption of the earth, the church’s public repentance for our sins of complicity and silence may very well be the most powerful evangelical opportunity we have to bear witness to the humility of Christ, the grace of God and the healing power of the Holy Spirit.
This message is excerpted from the Bible study “Turn, Turn, Turn: A Time for Faithful Repentance,” by Meghan Johnston Aelabouni in the November 2018 Gather magazine. All are welcome to attend a Blue Christmas service via Zoom, December 21 at 7 p.m. (CST).
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