Twinkies are a nice treat. But a meal of Twinkies is unsatisfying. And making a steady diet of Twinkies can be life-threatening.
So it is with the things of this world. They are good gifts of God; God uses them both to sustain and enrich our lives. But a wholehearted focus on things of this world leads to spiritual indigestion at best—and the soul’s starvation at worst. But the problem isn’t with things per se. Rather, the problem is with us, when we put our trust in things; when things become our true treasure.
This message is adapted from “A Matter of the Heart” written by Lita Brusick Johnson in the October 1998 issue of Lutheran Woman Today (now Gather) magazine. Today we remember Henry Melchior Muhlenberg, pastor in North America, who died in 1787.
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