In spring, gardeners (like me) love to stand in our backyards and dream of abundant harvests of delicious flawless vegetables, borders overflowing with vivid blossoms, and lush, thick, healthy green lawns. We know–at least, I do–we know that by midsummer, the critters will have enjoyed our veggies and flowers immensely.
The high hopes of spring will fade in the harsh light (or cold rain) of fall’s reality, just like last year and the year before. But every spring, we are out in our backyards again, planting and raking and having a wonderful time. Because this year we know our gardens will be spectacular!
Don’t you think that sounds like a parable? Is the kingdom of God like a foolish gardener who never gives up hope even in the face of experience? How do you think Jesus would tell that parable? How would you tell it?
This message is an excerpt from a Women of the ELCA blog by Audrey Riley. Today is Earth Day and Easter Monday.
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