My daughter and I trained to be facilitators at Metigoshe Ministries’ high ropes course, in northwestern North Dakota. Trainers taught us how to belay a climber, to encourage them and reassure them that if they slipped, we had them.
I couldn’t help but compare God’s love for us to the staples and foot holds on each pole. They were there, and they were solid. I knew they wouldn’t fail. Moving at God’s pace and following God’s direction with firm foundations allowed me to get closer and closer to the top. Having faith in that foundation gave me comfort, and the harness that surrounded my body felt like God’s arms holding on. It took a lot of courage to let go and rely on the equipment to keep me safe. But once I did, I had an indescribable feeling of security and weightlessness.
God had me! I was safe.
This message is excerpted from “A feeling of safety and security” by Lisa Plorin from the June 21, 2018, blog of the Women of the ELCA.
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