Back in 2011 I wrote a Thanksgiving-related blog post based on an idea from the Chicago Foundation for Women. @ChiFdn4Women had tweeted: For Thanksgiving we are naming reasons to be #thankfulwomen – please join us & highlight good news for women & girls in your community!
Women of the ELCA offered several tweets back in 2011, sharing good news for women and girls, things for which our whole organization was thankful. With Thanksgiving coming this week, I invite you to think again about ways in which we are #thankfulwomen. What’s the good news for women and girls in your community? Share your posts in social media using the #thankfulwomen hashtag.
This is adapted from a blog post, “On being #thankfulwomen,” that was written by Linda Post Bushkofsky and was published on November 24, 2013, on the Women of the ELCA blog.