Do these words of Jesus resonate: “Come to me, all you who are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28)?
We aren’t called to literally stay awake 24/7. Staggering bleary-eyed through life is not ideal. There is no gold medal given out to the most exhausted survivor. Our bodies and our souls demand regular breaks. Such self-care is not a frivolous luxury, but a vital way to honor the lives God has graciously given us. And now that I no longer view sleep as my mortal enemy, I can enjoy those unconscious hours, whenever they occur.
Recently, I’ve been keeping a dream journal. I am fascinated by the way our brains tend to work things out for us as we doze. Is my increasing sense of calm and peace about someday dying part of a growing realization that “eternal rest” is actually a thing, and that there can be no lovelier way to sleep than in the arms of God?
This message is excerpted from “The blessings of a nap” by Elise Seyfried in the July/August 2023 Gather magazine.
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