An epiphany can be a sudden revelation. Consider the epiphany Peter was given when he confessed Jesus as the Messiah and the Holy Son of God (Matthew 16:16). In this example, Peter suddenly saw–perhaps with incomplete understanding of the meaning of it–that Jesus was the Son of God. In our own lives, we may suddenly get something; we clearly see what we have never seen before.
How we view the world is as much the result of the culture we live in as it is the language we speak. Our worldviews are given to us as we are nurtured, educated and enculturated–first by our family, then by our church and schools, and then by the many other institutions with which we interact throughout our lives. The culture and community around us give us a framework for much of what we know to be true or normal to us.
This message is adapted from Women of the ELCA’s free, downloadable resource, “Epiphany: Unfolding the Discovery.”
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