Each morning, from our first waking moment, we are concerned with getting safely from “here” to “there.” Throughout the responsibilities of this day, the challenges, the heartache, we put one foot in front of the other in the hope that the one who has brought us to this morning will bring us to this evening, safely.
If Christ is the way into the future, then a disciple is a follower of the way. Following begins with taking a step, making a decision. Our stepping onto the way is a response to God’s invitation. Without the stepping out, we know neither the way nor its safety.
In the end, however, it is not by stepping bravely, practicing daily, and watching carefully that we are saved. It is not by the steps we take, but by the way we walk. And the Way has been under our feet since our baptism.
This message is adapted from “The D’s of Discipleship” written by Eleanor Stonebraker in the June 1992 issue of Lutheran Woman Today (now Gather) magazine.