In the psalmist’s day as in ours, many in high position, called to uphold the rights of all people, gave the rich and powerful full rein to live out their hearts’ desires while stepping on the necks of the marginalized. Across time, those afflicted cry out to God. In Psalm 82, God gives notice to anyone in power—fictional “gods” or real-life judges and other leaders—who pervert justice: “How long will you judge unjustly and show partiality to the wicked?” (v. 2).
But the psalmist writes to urge the poor, the oppressed, and all who stand with them not to lose hope. Our hope is found in a God who, though slow to anger, will not let injustice win the day. God calls injustice out and holds accountable those who oppress “the weak and the orphan… the lowly and the destitute” (v. 3). They may think themselves above the law, even see themselves as gods, yet “[they] shall die like mortals, and fall like any prince” (v. 7).
God will stand with the marginalized though it costs everything – even life itself.
This message is excerpted from “Justice the foundation of God’s love” by Rashion Santiago from the January 26, 2023, blog of the Women of the ELCA. Today we commemorate Agnes, martyr, c. 304.
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