It feels like the world is cracking open, at least the one we knew. None of our lives have been untouched by this shift, even if, for some of us, the changes are slight. We have seen the statistics, the data asserting itself, stark and grim. When we let the numbers talk, we can see the disparities, the ways people with darker skin are paying a higher price.
If the world is cracking open, perhaps it is your light, God, that illumines these long-standing disparities. Perhaps it is your Holy Spirit that invites us to look long and hard at this moment. Do we, people of every ethnicity and culture, have the courage to stand in this light? But especially, do we who are white, who have benefited from privilege for so long, have the courage?
God, open our hearts. Teach us to see the wonder of the world you imagine—a just world where all have enough, where all are loved.
This message is an excerpt from “Amen: Upside down or right side up” by Cathy Malotky in the October 2020 issue of Gather magazine.
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