Looking back as I prepare to enter a new decade of my life, I am proud of some of the ways I have used my voice to sing, praise, pray, affirm, encourage, support and advocate for others. I am also ashamed of the ways I have used sarcasm, spoken impulsively, interrupted, gossiped, whined, sulked in silence, complained, criticized, ridiculed, demeaned, blamed and attempted to manipulate others.
Our voice is one way we advocate for others. Proverbs 31:8-9 directs us to “Speak out for those who cannot speak, for the rights of all the destitute. Speak out, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy.”
This message is an excerpt of “Tuning our voices together” by Bev Stratton in the June 2019 issue of Gather magazine. Today we remember Luke, the evangelist. Please pray for Women of the ELCA’s executive board as they meet in Chicago this weekend.
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