Spare the rod, spoil the child. As a parent, I have personally tried both methods of discipline. I now have two grown daughters. One was spanked more times than I can remember, and the other was never spanked. I know that every child is different but I can see a difference in these two.
I attribute the differences to the way they were disciplined. The child that was spanked is more independent and is able to take responsibility for the decisions she makes. On the other hand, the child that was not spanked has a lot more growing up to do. She tends to rely on others to take care of business matters, and there are always excuses if something goes wrong. She is spoiled rotten.
Those who spare the rod hate their children, but those who love them are diligent to discipline them (Proverbs 13:24). This proverb states that discipline, when administered in love, can be a helpful tool for growth. It’s a principle to keep in mind when God disciplines us through trials and tribulations. What is your response to Proverbs 13:24?
This message is an excerpt from a January 2012 Women of the ELCA blog by Deborah Calvert.
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