As an avid gardener, I was so happy to come across a local garden group on Facebook, filled with gardeners willing to share plants, cuttings, tools, and more.
One post stopped me short. “Totally overestimated my soul needs. This is half and half compost/garden soil, already mixed. Help yourself [address listed].” A photo of a big pile of compost/garden soil accompanied the post.
You’ve figured it out: the gardener meant to write “soil,” but “soul” appeared instead. That got me thinking about our soul needs. What are they?
As Christian women, we can tend to our souls by
- communicating regularly with God, the Creator, in prayer,
- living in community with other Christians,
- regularly worshipping God,
- immersing ourselves in God’s Word,
- spending time in God’s good creation, and
- recharging our soul through quiet contemplation and meditation.
As you work in your gardens this spring, don’t forget to consider your soul needs too. They need tending as much as the flowers and vegetables you’re planting.
This message is excerpted from “6 helpful ways to tend to our souls” by Linda Post Bushkofsky from the May 17, 2021. blog of the Women of the ELCA.
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