Consider some Scripture passages that you know the best. Maybe it’s a passage that you have memorized, words that flow easily off your tongue. Take some time to yourself, take some centering breaths, and recite the words feeling each syllable and consonant. Where do you find yourself tripping over words? What are the passages that trouble your recitation? In those moments, I come into a greater realization of my relationship to Scripture. I hear God saying to me, “Beloved, slow down and savor these words.”
One way that I slow down is by coloring. I delight in color. When I’m not sure how I feel, color reminds me. I invite you to meditate on those Scripture passages that resonate most with you and use this coloring page to help you slow down.
This message is an excerpt from “Faith Reflections: On 1 Corinthians 13” by Mary Button in the October 2019 issue of Cafe. Do you enjoy these free Daily Grace messages? If so, donate now to further the ministry. Use the “where needed most” line.