When all kinds of distractions pull us in multiple directions, it can be a serious challenge to live in the moment, even if that moment is not unpleasant.
Mindfulness is an age-old practice of paying attention. In mindfulness, we focus our awareness on the present moment in a non-judgmental way and then acknowledge and accept whatever comes to us. Being mindful not only creates space for mental and emotional calm, but it also carries with it some physical benefits too, with stress reduction leading the list.
Given the chaos, negativity and dysfunction in our world today, it’s no secret that many of us want (and need) to focus on the present moment (and God’s presence in that moment) instead of operating on stress-induced autopilot.
When we don’t live in the present, we can miss the many promptings of the Holy Spirit. Imagine how our entire community would benefit from our collective stewardship of emotions, stewardship made simpler through mindfulness.
This message is an excerpt from “Grace notes: Minding the moment” by Linda Post Bushkofsky in the October 2019 issue of Gather magazine.
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