Contemplative prayer comes in all sorts of postures, programs and procedures, but the type to which I return time and again I first encountered years ago.
I’ll never forget how workshop leaders arranged the chairs in a circular formation; made space available for kneeling, sitting or reclining; dimmed the lights; scattered beautiful icons and fabrics throughout the worship space; and gave each participant a candle.
While I had lit a candle on Christmas Eve, I had never quietly placed my candle together with those of others in a container of sand, reflecting the power of our combined lights, our combined prayers. I learned to focus on the large icons and cross bathed in candlelight. I learned there is nothing like being in a large group of silent, praying people.
This message is an excerpt from “In the stillness” by Betty E. Landis in the July/August 2018 issue of Gather magazine.
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