We live in a world that sends us all sorts of messages about what it means to be happy. It usually involves adding something, buying something, or changing something about ourselves or our lives. Our culture markets happiness in many overt and subtle ways, leading us to believe that if we had just a little bit more time, just a little bit more money or just a little bit more attention, we’d be happy.
Sometimes we find ourselves in jobs, relationships, or situations that inhibit our fullness of life. In these times, something needs to change in order for us to find wholeness again. The God we know in Jesus Christ promises to be with us in our suffering and to lead us through our suffering. Our God gives us the strength and courage to make changes and take risks that open up new doors.
This message is adapted from “Faith Reflections: Settling toward happiness” written by Sarah Rohde that first appeared in the April 2012 issue of Café magazine. Today is the second Sunday after Pentecost.
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