I invite you to turn to God, to spend time drawing yourself into the One who knows you, who loves you, who longs for your prayers, and desires to give you rest.
Take a moment to center yourself, to settle into yourself. For me, from the crown of my head to my tailbone or even down to the soles of my feet, I can feel energy pull into my spine and settle down.
Then I think of an image or a place that gives me peace. Sometimes it’s the valley where I worked at my Bible camp, sometimes it’s on a beach by the ocean, sometimes it’s a little chapel with blue stained-glass windows. And as I picture my happy place, I let it wash over me. The peacefulness, the joy I felt when I was last there, and I bask in that moment.
And I talk to God, praying for the peace or rest that I need, asking God to help me.
This message is excerpted from the September 6, 2018, Cafe Faith Reflection “Those that cry out for rest and relief” by Jenna Pulkowski. Today we commemorate Lucy, martyr, 304. All are welcome to attend a Blue Christmas service via Zoom, December 21 at 7 p.m. (CST).
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