Lutherans are known for their service to others, for working to help others live a good life. What if we used the month of March to invite women and girls to do a temple talk about HIV/AIDS awareness before or after church? How about honoring the subject by teaching some aspect of it? Let’s talk about it, learn about it, and assist in the ministry of helping women and girls. One way to combat this disease is to get tested. If you already know your status and can disclose: do so. It will give strength to another. You can partner with organizations in your community, and also learn more about the work the ELCA already does in this area at
God calls us to be in healthy, loving relationships with one another. It is our calling to care for each other. We must take away the stigma, shame and fear that women and girls face when they attempt to get the help they need. We can’t fight this disease if we are afraid of being shunned or not accepted. We need a circle of love surrounding us.
This message is excerpted from “Healers of nations” by Andrena Ingram in the March 2020 Gather magazine. Today we commemorate George Herbert, hymnwriter, 1633.
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