Each winter, as I begin planning and mapping my gardens, I do an online search for updated lists of endangered vegetable and flower varieties. Threatened plant species put our entire food supply at risk. God made this unique, beautiful bounty that comes from and sustains the earth and all that lives upon it. God called us to be stewards – caretakers who treat the land and what it brings forth with reverence, not convenience. I check that list of what is being diminished and order seeds that someone else has saved; I will plant them in the upcoming growing season.
Fortunately, our gardens do not solely rely upon our own personal seed-saving efforts. God designed many seeds to glide and spiral through the air, transported by wind, landing in unclaimed soil. Many seeds get attached to animals and carried far away in fur or on wings and dispersed some distance from the parent plant. Countless times I have thought to myself, I did not plant that there! I like to think of the Holy Spirit at work in this scattering of seeds.
This message is excerpted from “Time to gather the seeds” by Venice Williams in the September/October 2021 Gather magazine.
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