I often think that God created children in order to keep theology under control—a sort of safeguard against theologians. One evening when my step-granddaughter Samantha was about four years old, we were relaxing and watching a Cubs game. As the room grew darker, I asked if she wanted a light on. “Why?” she asked. “Because I don’t want you to be afraid of the dark,” I replied. “I’m not afraid,” she answered firmly. “I’m not afraid because you’re here.” She put her arms around my neck and gave me a hug.
Salvation is as simple as that. Because God is with me, I’m not afraid. There is no place I will go, no experience I will endure, no darkness I will confront without the presence of my loving Savior to strengthen me. Beneath all the fancy theological language it comes down to this: Because I am with my Lord, I’m not afraid.
This message is adapted from “Saturday Nights and Sunday Mornings” written by Donna Hacker Smith in the May 1992 issue of Lutheran Woman Today (now Gather) magazine.