Have you ever sat down in a meeting and realized one of the members of your group was not engaged in the conversation? What happens next? Do you keep working around that person or can you create a safe environment so that person feels comfortable to share what is on her mind?
When safe environments exist, we are free to explore things that might happen outside of our planned agendas. Imagine the positive impact this could have on our personal, professional, and faith lives. To welcome this kind of environment, you might:
–Invite new thoughts and processes to be shared and seriously considered.
–Encourage involvement from those whose voices are not represented.
–Embrace healthy discussion and even debate to push the boundaries of your comfort level.
Who knows what fruit of the Spirit you will discover!
This message was adapted from “When Is It Safe to Take a Risk?” by Laurel Hensel that appeared in the April 1999 issue of Lutheran Woman Today (now Gather) magazine. Today we remember Jan Hus, martyr, died 1415.
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