Most of us are familiar with the concept of the sabbath. In Genesis 2:3, God ceases creating and blesses the seventh day, setting it aside as a day of rest for all people. This is so important that “Remember the sabbath day and keep it holy” is one of the Ten Commandments.
Many of us might not be as familiar with Leviticus, a biblical book that carries the concept of sabbath a step farther. The writer of Leviticus describes a sabbath for the land that is to take place every seven years, as well as a jubilee year occurring at the conclusion of 49 years. Sabbath is not just for observant men (and women) but also for servants, foreigners, and even animals. Jubilee means liberty from debt and return to community. Whether the Scriptures are referring to land sabbath or the jubilee year, God’s command offers a definitive break for everyone, and a chance for all to reconsider present patterns. This time for rest includes reconnecting with roots and imagining new possibilities.
This message is excerpted from the Bible study “Crafted in Christ” by Katie Hines-Shah in the May/June 2022 Gather magazine. Today is the fifth Sunday after Epiphany.
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