Valentine’s Day will come and go but as women of faith, we stand securely and confidently knowing that our self-esteem is not tied up in flowers and candy. It is rooted in God’s love that is sure and unfailing. Whether you are single or partnered, it is time to celebrate Valentine’s Day in broad expansive ways. After all, love is multifaceted. We have huge webs of relationships as sisters, friends, mothers, aunts, cousins, godmothers, nieces, coworkers, church members, and more. Reclaim the day to practice love in all its expressions.
Take time on Valentine’s Day to share God’s love in acts of service, kindness, and generosity.
This is adapted from the article “Celebrating Valentine’s Day beyond flowers and candy,” written by Angie Shannon that first appeared in Cafe. Today we celebrate the Transfiguration of Our Lord and Valentine’s Day.
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