Promises, promises. It’s that time of the year – the time we think about New Year’s resolutions. Year after year, I promise myself to be better – to do better – even though I’m quite aware that my resolve will eventually weaken, and I will revert to old habits.
This year instead of trying to change myself, I resolve to be myself. As the late great Lutheran author and unlikely theologian, Dr. Seuss, wrote in Happy Birthday to You!: “Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive that is you-er than you!’ What if we actually believe God’s word in Genesis that all creation was created good – including you and me? Would we waste another precious moment living our lives as spectators? I think not.
Our most challenging calling may be to simply be ourselves – fearfully and wonderfully made people who praise God and serve our neighbors.
This message is excerpted from “Promises, Promises” by Angela Khabeb in the January/February 2018 Gather magazine. Today we commemorate the Name of Jesus. Today is New Year’s Day.
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