The waters of baptism overflow with symbol and imagery. Baptism is a birth, as we pass through the waters to become new creations. Baptism is a cleansing, as we are washed clean of the sin that marks us.
Baptism is a naming, as the waters bestow us with the new identity, “Child of God.” Baptism is a resurrection, as we, with Christ, are buried beneath the waters and drawn up again to new life.
Baptism is our assurance that we belong to God, and that God’s promises of grace and life are not something abstract, but real gifts, given to each and every one of us. Baptism is our reminder that our hope of eternal life is not something we have accomplished for ourselves, but rather a pure gift of God’s mercy, goodness and loving kindness.
This message is an excerpt from “Renewal of Life,” a free, downloadable “All Anew” devotional by the Rev. Melissa Bills. Today is the Epiphany of Our Lord. The readings are Isaiah 60:1-6; Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14; Ephesians 3:1-12; Matthew 2:1-12.
Today is the final day to get the early bird rate to the Tenth Triennial Gathering, July 13-16, in Minneapolis.
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