I used to believe I was good at service. I still may be.
But I’ve come to see that we engage in service not because we learn about our neighbors (which we do), or because it makes us feel good (which it often does), or because we’re called to love our neighbors with all our hearts (which we are).
We serve one another because in doing so, we see a reflection of God in Christ, who walked this earth knowing our pain and joy. Engaging in service compels us to know God more deeply. God’s love is reflected when we hear someone’s story and share ours.
This message is an excerpt from “For the sake of our neighbors” by Kimberly Knowle-Zeller in the March 2020 issue of Gather magazine. Today we remember Columba, who died in 597; Aidan, who died in 651; and Bede, who died in 735; renewers of the church.
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