Because of our sin and brokenness, we believe more is always better. And our consumer society helps us buy into that (pun intended). Over and over, we hear messages that we must buy something more in order to make us prettier or more respected, or to feel like we belong. Every day we’re told: More is better.
Jesus, however, tells us there is a different way to live. Jesus knew our human tendency to think that more is better. Jesus wants us to know that being a Jesus follower means to live counterculturally – not to live our lives for the purpose of accumulating more stuff. Jesus is very clear when he says: “So it is with those who store up treasures for themselves but are not rich toward God” (Luke 12:21).
As Jesus reminds us, God is what really matters. When we put God first in our lives, our priorities are in the right place. Then we are more likely to prioritize our loved ones, our health and our calling from God, rather than chasing the next sale item.
This message is excerpted from “Good things come in small packages: Moving from wanting to waiting at Advent” by Becca Ehrlich from the November 20, 2023, blog of the Women of the ELCA.
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