Once when I was a much younger, everything just got to me. I felt that I had nowhere to go and no one to lean on. So I went for a drive.
I was in a low spot, literally and spiritually, when I spotted a waterfall off to the side of the road. I was fully clothed–but I stepped under the waterfall anyway. I was spiritually thirsty. I was profoundly dehydrated.
I was standing in water that felt impossibly cold, and I was suddenly crying hot, cleansing tears. Deep in God’s creation, just me and the Lord and the living water, I was renewed.
Don’t most of us live dry lives? We go through our days on automatic, forgetting to drink deeply of the cup that is always there for us. Lent is the season when Christians recommit. We follow the Savior on his path, even though we know where it leads.
This message is an excerpt from “Faith reflections: Lent, a time to rehydrate” by Karen Craigo in a January 2017 issue of Café.
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