Jesus often sought out women and invited them to do his work, whether they were attached to a man or not.
In our baptisms we are named and claimed, once and for all, as valuable members of God’s own family. We are marked by the cross of Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit to work for justice and peace in all the world. If there is a significant other in this picture, it is an added bonus. But if there is not, we are still complete human beings, made in the image and likeness of God.
Resting securely in the knowledge that each of us matters and is wholly complete in herself, we can face the loneliness that sometimes comes from not having a romantic partner. We are precious in God’s eyes, and are accompanied by God’s presence on every step of our journey. As the writer of Psalm 139 reminds us, even when we feel isolated and insignificant, God is with us, cherishing us.
This message is adapted from “Faith reflections: Under pressure, finding and keeping a +1” written by Susan Schneider that first appeared in the July 2010 issue of Café magazine.