We are men and women who cherish our traditions, cultures, and communities because they are the pathways of our memories—the roads that always lead us home. And yet, in the mystery of the memory of faith, our many paths come together beneath the high places where God has touched our lives. Whoever we are, whatever language we speak or customs we follow, we are guided by the common mystery of God’s love. God has been with us even before we had a history. In every corner of the earth, to every tribe and nation, in signs of wonder and in laws of faith, this same God has walked before us. God has called us and made us what we are. We are the children of those who remember. You and I are blessed to be part of a story written by God.
This message is adapted from “On Eagles and Mountains,” written by Steven Charleston in the October 1997 issue of Lutheran Woman Today (now Gather) magazine.