Luke tells us (Acts 2:42-47) the Holy Spirit wants us to live together in peace, joy, and generosity. I love the picture Luke paints of the believers “breaking bread at home and eating their food with glad and generous hearts” (2:46). A footnote says that the word translated as generous here could also be translated as sincere.
Do you know someone with a generous heart, a sincere heart? How does it feel to be around someone like that? How do you think it feels to be someone like that? And how can we, both as individuals and collectively, become like that?
The Holy Spirit works with what’s already there. What’s already there in your life? Where are you ready to be inspired? How can you act on that inspiration to joy and generosity?
This message is an excerpt from a Women of the ELCA devotion by Audrey Novak Riley. Today is the 15th Sunday after Pentecost.
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