Pondering the meaning of life is no fad. There is something about being human that has always made us ask “why?” Why are we here on this earth? What is the point of our lives? What is our unique purpose? Maybe we find ourselves asking questions like these partly because we just can’t resist the temptation to turn to the last page and see how our own stories end.
When we do that, we all see the same thing, of course: Our time on this earth comes to an end, and we die. Realizing that our time here is limited, we wonder: Well, then, what is this time for? For those of us who know that we have been loved into existence by a living God and who have answered the call to follow Jesus, the answer to that question is found right here—in our relationship with the One who created us. The purpose of our lives is connected to God’s purposes. The point of our lives is to be a part of what God is up to.
This message was adapted from “Act Boldly for Mission” by Kelly Fryer that appeared in the June 2007 issue of Lutheran Woman Today (now Gather) magazine. Today we remember Boniface, bishop of Mainz, missionary to Germany, martyr, who died in 754.
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