Occasionally people are called to extraordinary discipleship. Abraham and Sarah. Moses. Esther. Almost everyone is called to uncommon faith and obedience some time in life. A child dies, a spouse leaves, a job is lost, or the diagnosis is bleak.
But most discipleship is ordinary and mundane. Most of the time, discipleship is getting up each day and trying to make the best of it. Our spiritual lives, we may feel, are boring or trivial, quite unlike those of people with “real callings.”
The words “disciple” and “discipleship” are first cousins to “discipline.” I know (and so do you) some people whose lives have been shaped by the discipline of following Jesus. Because they practice, these disciples make it look easy, even though it isn’t. Their lives, molded by Christ’s own, have warmed and brightened mine.
This message is adapted from “Just a Little Light” written by Karen Melang in the June 1992 issue of Lutheran Woman Today (now Gather) magazine. Today we remember Maximilian Kolbe, who died in 1941; and Kaj Munk, who died in 1944; disciples and martyrs.
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