This week I watched another eye-opener, “A Place at the Table,” a 2012 film about hunger in America. It raises many questions. How can we expect children to learn well in school when they are hungry or when they have been deprived of adequate nutrition in their preschool years? Why do corn, bean, wheat and rice farmers receive government subsidies for their crops, but those who raise fruits and vegetables do not? How can we make fresh fruits and vegetables available to those who do not live close to large supermarkets? How can all workers afford housing and nutritious food?
All of these issues, problems and injustices certainly give us many places to be advocates. Bread for the World gives us ways to address hunger, farm policies and nutrition for the 1000 days of pregnancy and early life. Lutheran Immigration and Refuge Service informs us about refugees, immigration policy and resettlement programs. The ELCA has links and resources for working with government entities.
Which statistic or story speaks to you today? What will you do today to bring more justice to our world?
This message is adapted from “Open My Eyes that I May See,” written by Phyllis Rude for the Women of the ELCA blog.