So much of my family’s life is on the go. During the week, our kids are going to and from soccer, scouts, band, chorus, confirmation and more.
Like me, they’re buckled in and multi-tasking: changing from shoes to cleats, adding or removing extra layers before a training practice, doing flashcard drills, updating me on their own to-do-lists, discussing current news or even, lately, debating the Constitution.
I love our time together—even the between times. But sometimes I miss those early days of baby carriers, strollers, first steps and assistance with shoelaces. I miss the days when the waiting time was the enjoying and noticing time.
The days of Advent remind me that I am waiting. Waiting. Longing. Everything is not yet as it could be—including my own heart. Dear Jesus, how I long for the peace and joy of your promise. You remind me to slow down, to be still, to trust you and to try to live in expectation.
This message is an excerpt of a Women of the ELCA blog by Elizabeth Hunter. Today is the second Sunday of Advent.
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