O, come, Emmanuel. God be with us. We need your company.
O, come, Wisdom. Help us navigate the competing values that vie for our attention. Life was never simple, but it certainly has not been this year, and it won’t be in the days ahead.
O, come, Branch of Jesse. Just as your people imagined a new shoot rising from the stump of what they once were, give us a vision of a world reborn – a world of justice and mercy and welcome for all. Help us do better this time around.
O, come, Key of David. Remind us that we are born from a long line of people seeking righteousness for our world. Guide our footsteps.
O, come, Dayspring. Illumine our hearts and lift our gloom. Fill us with hope.
This message is from “We need your company” by Catherine Malotky in the December 2020 Gather magazine. Today is Christmas Eve.
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