Our own Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton tells a story about something that happened when she was a pastor serving a congregation. One Sunday, the ushers were taking up the collection as usual, and the people were glumly doing their duty and putting their offerings in the plate as usual.
A little girl, seeing what was going on, nudged her dad and pleaded until he gave in and handed her a bill so she could make an offering, too. The little girl ran up the aisle after the ushers, waving the bill in the air, calling, “Wait for me, wait for me! Here’s mine!” And as she dropped the money in the plate, she beamed with joy.
Later, Pastor Eaton said, “Wasn’t that little girl beautiful? It would be so wonderful if everyone could give as joyfully.” A parishioner said, “Well, it’s easy for her–it’s not her money!”
And Pastor Eaton replied: “No.” And, she paused, “It’s her father’s.”
This message is an excerpt from Women of the ELCA’s monthly devotion by Audrey Riley.
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