We can choose to let our light shine, to use the gifts we’ve been given, to be a positive presence, to love. We can choose to be about bridge-building and healing. We can choose not to let fear find a permanent home in our hearts, not let it rule our lives. We can choose not to contribute to fear-mongering.
Fear points us to where we need to grow spiritually. When a room is dark, we don’t fear it. We turn on a light. When our lives are overwhelmed with fear, we can let that lead us to a choice point. What am I going to do to stop obsessing on the future and live in the now? How can I be present to what is? I don’t need to overcome fear. I need to understand it and get the message to which it’s pointing. Fear, worry, and anxiety are wake-up calls to change something in our lives.
This message is excerpted from “Make the New Year as Good as it Can Be,” by Sonia Solomonson from the January 11, 2021, blog of the Women of the ELCA.
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